This article resonates with me SO MUCH!.
Did you know that plants are much more than a simple interior design tool used to achieve the right balance of colours or to beautify certain areas. The benefits they offer are so much more more than that.
In fact, there are a lot of things we tend to ignore when it comes to plants.
Plants help purify the air in the room they’re placed in.
How good is that!?
This means they increase the oxygen level in the air and improve its quality!
Certain species of plants are better at this than others so find the right type for you and your home.
Another fantastic characteristic of indoor plants - and plants in general, is that they release moisture. This way, they increase the humidity of the air around them. It’s why having a plant in your office can be very beneficial for dry skin and eye irritations.
Studies have shown that patients staying in rooms that have indoor plants tend to request less pain medication, to have lower heart rates and blood pressure and to experience less fatigue.
Also, plants seem to reduce sickness rates.
It’s also been shown that indoor plants can help people focus better. They make it easier to concentrate on the task at hand and this improves productivity overall.
So, off you go to Bunnings, or to your local nursery and have a chat to them about what indoor plants would work best in your home, in the area you live in.
I don't know about you, but I am always looking at ways to make my home healthier and happier.