Eight Steps To Building a New Custom Home Or Project Home
While every person's new home building experience will vary there are pretty much eight steps that will be the same whether building in Western Australia, Queensland or anywhere in-between. How long this takes will be a combination of the responsiveness of the buyer and the builder as well as the speed with which the developer provides covenant approval and how quickly the building certifier/council provides a development approval.
The Integrity New Homes process will vary slightly throughout the country, as regulations are different in many of the states and territories (for example in New South Wales the legislation allows for a maximum deposit of 10% deposit while in Western Australia the maximum deposit is 6.5% and in Queensland it is only 5%.).
Step 1 - Identify the block you would like to buy.
At Integrity New Homes we offer a free written site inspection report after inspecting the block you have bought or are intending to buy. This process is really important in order to determine the best home design that will fit and "work" on the site. It also allows any issues about the block to be considered and addressed (i.e. slope, access). There are often costs that only become apparent once Integrity has inspected the site (i.e. trees that need to be removed or proximity to neighbouring dwellings or issues with access to services).
Step 2 - Purchase the land and get a Preliminary Estimate.
Once you have committed to purchasing the land Integrity New Homes can provide you with a Preliminary Estimate to build a specific home on your chosen block (this estimate may or may not include landscaping, driveway, clothesline, letterbox, floor coverings and television antennae depending on your requirements). It is important the design is orientated to ensure energy efficiency and to maximise natural breezes and views.
Step 3 - Home Design Order Form.
Once you have purchased your land you can complete a Home Design Order Form and pay a Preliminary Services Fee with the help of your local Sales Consultant. The Preliminary Services Fee will be used to order a soil test, contour survey and design a set of preliminary drawings. The soil test and contour survey remain your property once you have paid the full Preliminary Services Fee.
The Preliminary Services Fee is credited towards your initial deposit if you proceed with a building contract.
Step 4 - Finalise Home Design
Integrity New Homes will finalise your home design (it may be a custom design or one of Integrity New Homes' many project homes) and a final price is then determined after the soil test and contour survey are received. This price will then form the basis of the contract.
Step 5 - Contract Preparation
Integrity New Homes will prepare a contract. The process at this point varies slightly from place-to-place. For example, in New South Wales a Preliminary Agreement will also be created and signed and a Preliminary Agreement fee of 5% is finalised with a further 5% payable upon Development Approval issued. But, in Queensland the 5% is payable upon contract signing. Speak with your local Integrity New Homes representative for the procedure that applies in your area.
Step 6 - Building Approvals
If required by the developer you may need to receive covenant approval. In many instances this is not required. Once the covenant approval is provided Integrity New Homes will prepare and submit applications for a building approval and DA approval. Integrity New Homes will then ensure that all purchase orders for suppliers and trade contractors are finalised and scheduled.
Step 7 - Construction Commencement
Commencement on site will begin in accordance with the individual contracts (which vary throughout Australia) will occur once final written finance approval has been obtained along with proof of land title, land registration and site possession.
Step 8 - Construction Completion
Finally construction commences and is then completed with handover and any maintenance items addressed. It is now time to sit back and enjoy your home into the future!