Stay In Your Pjs!
Winter is well and truly upon us now and no one wants to be venturing outside more than they have to. It’s cold, windy, wet (hopefully 🤞) and a little miserable at times. But you know that things must keep moving ...

Stay In Your Forever Home Forever!
For most Australian families, buying or building their forever home is the end goal they are working towards. But there are a lot of families out there that may be living in their forever home already. You may be one of ...

Thinking of a country style home? We can help!
If you are thinking of building a country style home on acreage, Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter can help you achieve your goals. Australia has vast amounts of open country, so it's no wonder why plenty of Australi...

Sloping or steep site alternatives
There are a lot of builders out there that will only build on concrete slabs, they refuse to build on anything else. Their answer to a sloping site is to excavate massive cut and fill pads so they can build a standa...

Create your own masterpiece! ❤
There are three inexpensive ways to create your own beautiful home design:1. Create a floor plan from scratch. This could be based off what layout would work best for your family, or to maximise the views that your ...

New Acreage Style Homes
Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter has recently released two new acreage style home designs, the Bishops Court and the Castle Rock. The Bishops Court is a 455 sqm, 5 Bedroom home with a Study that can be used as a 6th...

Meet Our Builder!
Hello and welcome to 2020! The team at Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter would like to wish all of our past, present and future clients all the best for the new year ahead. With the start of the new year comes a great opp...

Flexibility Is Key!
Flexibility is a key advantage for Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter. Flexibility allows us to further assist you, as our client, in achieving exactly what you want in your home. We can create a custom designed home ...

New National Design Magazine Released!
Our fourth edition of the National Design Magazine has just been released and it is jamb packed with our most popular designs, across all styles, as well as some very useful information on a variety of subjects. &nb...

The Pain of Development Applications
Nearly everyone has heard a story or two about how painful the Development Application process can be. Getting your plans drawn, engineered, submitted to council, the long list of paperwork to fill out, trying to underst...

Brand New Designs Just Released!
Integrity New Homes has just released two great new designs into our already extensive design library. Introducing the Livingston Series and the Kings Landing!The Livingston series is represented as the Livingston 270 an...

7 Standard Inclusions That Might Surprise You
Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter uses only quality products on all of our projects, from bathroom and kitchen renovations through to custom designed homes. Here are 7 standard inclusions that might surprise you.1. Posh S...

Affordable Housing
Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter prides itself in offering affordable housing options in the Liverpool Plains, Upper Hunter, Muswellbrook and Singleton Shire areas. Whether it is through our inexpensive Custom Design pro...

We Create Homes
We Create HomesWe don't just build houses, we create homes. Homes are at the centre of every family, so when a family decides to build their brand new home with Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter, we believe it is vital th...

New Design Just Released!
Integrity New Homes has an extensive range of standard home designs that suit the Upper Hunter region and we have just released a great new duplex design, the Whitby 470!Each home in this fantastic dual occupancy, corner...

Welcome To Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter!
Welcome to Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter! We are your local builder in the Upper Hunter region of NSW, servicing the great townships of Quirindi, Murrurundi, Scone, Muswellbrook, Singleton and their surrounding areas....