The Allan Labor Government has just approved new planning reforms to make it easier for Victorians to build a small second home on their property.
This is fantastic news for anyone looking to house extended family, or as a stream of new income.
From next month, families will no longer require a planning permit to build a small second home on their property.
This change will make it easier for families to build a small second home on their own lot – near jobs, public transport, education and healthcare services, as well as existing social connections.
As part of the Labor Government’s recent Housing Statement, small second homes under 60 square metres, also known as granny flats, will no longer require a planning permit on properties 300 square metres or larger where there are no flooding or environmental overlays – lifting the burden of getting planning approval for Victorians.
There will be no restrictions on how a small second home can be used – they can be used flexibly, whether it’s keeping family members closer, providing temporary housing or being rented out for additional income.
Small second homes will still require a building permit, will need to meet ResCode (residential design code) setback and siting requirements – and cannot be subdivided or separately sold off from the main home.
These reforms will be implemented through changes to the planning and building systems, with a comprehensive information pack available for applicants and assessors.
Whether Victorians are buying their first place, upsizing or downsizing as life changes, renting or calling social housing their home – the landmark Housing Statement is about ensuring everyone has a place to call home.
Check out two of our standard designs that meet the required sizes that benifiet from this new government initiative.
The Cumberland 25 is a functional studio space perfect for a home office or individual living space. This granny flat is perfect for an external office to the home or for housing a singular person looking to live on a budget. This home is a great value for money opportunity. What it may lack in size it makes up for with functional space and style. Click here to view more.
The Mullaway
The Mullaway 50 expands on the Cumberland with size and functionality. The Mullaway includes an increased living space, whilst maintaining its studio style. It also includes a larger kitchen and laundry space. This studio layout granny flat is perfect for generating more revenue from your property. Click here to view more.