Within the INH group we have fantastic builders that come from all different back grounds and experiences.
We wanted to take the time to get to know some of our builders and have asked them a few questions so that you can learn more a little about them
This weeks builder is Michael Van Eck who is our franchise owner in Port Macquarie.
What lead you to become a building business owner: To become the best version of myself
What motivates your passion for providing quality for clients: Providing a product that I genuinely care about
What is a pet peeve on the worksite: People that don’t care as much as I do!
FavouriteINH standard design and why: Kings Landing because the goal is to build something like that for myself one day
What is your favourite part of the home building process: Seeing the clients face when they release the quality we deliver
What is the most unique request made when building a home: To build a funeral home
What is your go to meal after a long day on the tools: Chips and beer
If money wasn’t an object, what would your dream house include: Fully built in outdoor kitchen with a filleting table