Integrity New Homes have franchisee owners all over Australia. Coming from a wide range of business and building backgrounds and experiences we wanted to take the time to celebrate the diversity that makes up our INH building group.
This weeks INH builder in focus is Peter Horwood who is our franchise owner in New England
What lead you to become a building business owner: Employer was retiring so natural growth
What motivates your passion for providing quality for clients: Satisfaction seeing a happy client and good job
What is a pet peeve on the worksite: Untidy subbies and trades
Favourite INH standard design and why: The Saltwater & The Grand because people are building them
What is your favourite part of the home building process: Handover to a satisfied customer
What is the most unique request made when building a home: Build me a hidden armory
What is your go to meal after a long day on the tools: Lasagna and salad
If money wasn’t an object, what would your dream house include: An ocean view