I will rephrase that.
If you were building a new home, what colours would you choose?
Unlike buying a dress, or pair of pants, building a new home can really stress you out when it comes to picking a roof colour, a wall colour, what window colour should I go with.... that is only the beginning. The whole look of your new Integrity Home, begins with the colours you choose, and the style of the facade.
There are many styles from by-gone era's that we could speak of, but generally the style of our Integrity New Homes design library fit into 3 categories - Modern/Contemporary, Country/Classic and Coastal Style.
Of course, looking at those three categories, you will immediately realise that the Colour Palette for each can be the same, same but different.
Great! Let's move onto what colour works in different areas of Australia. With varying earth colours covering every natural hue, we need to build our homes to suit the area we are building.
Look around the neighbourhood of where you are about to live and notice the architecture, the colours and finishes of the homes. Of course, you don't have to do exactly as the neighbours do, but you will get a feel as to what the vibe is and what colours you like or don't like; what will most probably work well, and what won't.
So what are your favourite colours?
Integrity New Homes is proud to be associated with Dulux Australia, and they have recently put out the forecaste of the most trending colours for 2021. You can check it out here - https://www.dulux.com.au/colour/colour-trends/2021
We are proudly associated with James Hardie Australia also, and we can recommend you check what colours you like in their look book
- https://static-content-prod.jameshardie-digital.com.au/product-look/2/look-book/modernLookbook.pdf
they show lots of modern looks, mostly of weatherboard cladding, but you get an idea of colours to paint and put together here too.
Pinterest is also a great place to look and save images of the styles and colours you like.
If you are thinking of building a brick home, we recommend and use PGH bricks, they have a great online visualiser and look book that shows you lots of styles and colours - https://www.pghbricks.com.au/inspiration/styles
After you have considered the look you want you will know what colours you like as well.
The other great option you have with any Integrity New Homes local builder is that they will either give you their Done for you colour schemes, called FAST TRACK BOARDS, where you don't have to even think about what colours to go with what, you just choose a board and it's as simple as that. Alternatively, you have a meeting with our Colour Consultant who will help you with your choices.
For more information and to see our designs go to our Home page - www.inh.com.au