There are three inexpensive ways to create your own beautiful home design:
1. Create a floor plan from scratch. This could be based off what layout would work best for your family, or to maximise the views that your block has to offer or you may want the front facade look a particular way. Creating your own design from scratch is the most rewarding, but also the most time consuming.
2. Jot down a rough floor plan, or a concept. Give this idea to us together with a design brief and with our award winning design team, we can take this 'mud map' and create a beautiful one of a kind home. Our design team will maximise the potential of your idea to give you the best value for money.
3. The easiest option. Browse our design library, find a design that best suits you and then sit down with our team and customise that floor plan to create your very own, custom designed home.
Customising one of our floor plans is the simplest option and it doesn't mean just changing the floor plan. One of our strong points is our flexibility. You can change the floor plan, add a room, delete a room, change the external cladding from brick to weatherboard, change the window sizes and style, change the bathroom layout, change the roof style, change the roof tiles to Colorbond or vice versa, raise the house up off the ground onto a suspended floor system....
By the time your finished making changes to a standard design, you will have yourself a fully customised home without employing an architect. The possibilities are endless. Get in contact with Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter today and discuss your options.
** Integrity New Homes Upper Hunter offers affordable custom designed homes, project homes, house and land packages and extensions throughout Quirindi, Scone, Muswellbrook and Singleton **