Local area specialists, Integrity New Homes Cairns, combine an impressive track record of collective experience in new home construction, with some industry leading guarantees. Kumar is a well recognized local business owner with an impressive history in local construction.

Having a small focused team with a limited production volume of 15 homes per year, Integrity New Homes Cairns focus on the client rather than volume. We use the same team of tradespeople for every job leading to both consistent and high quality workmanship.

It is the quality of the finishes and the craftsmanship that separates Integrity New Homes Cairns from its competitors. Our homes stand the test of time and provide a noticeable point of difference from most current homes.

Clients, and the market in general, has responded very positively to the Integrity Communication Guarantee whereby Integrity New Homes Cairns commits to communicate with each client every 14 days from the time of paying the initial preliminary services fee until hand over of their home. When you consider a new home is one of the last hand crafted ‘products” made these days, and involves large numbers of tradespeople, it is really important to keep clients aware of what is going on with their home every step of the way. Regular, timely and relevant communication between the client and the builder is critical to the successful construction of a new home. This is one of the key approaches which sets Integrity New Homes Cairns apart, after all, our homes are built by tradespeople not robots.

Integrity New Homes Cairns a real competitive advantage, by providing great peace-of-mind and overcoming concerns many new home owners have about the longevity of their home.

Integrity New Homes Cairns provide better outcomes for all clients through a cutting edge in-house developed software system called iGyro and a quick and accurate sales estimating package titled iProx. There is also computer based project management system called iDule which is used to assist in controlling, planning and forecasting progress on each every new home the company builds.


The Australian building industry has traditionally been slow to adopt new practices and technologies and has low levels of system and market sophistication. Integrity realised this and has steadily been increasing market share through incorporating innovation and a design driven culture. This means clients of Integrity New Homes Cairns are given housing solutions to suit individual lifestyles, circumstances, dreams and budgets - it is part of having a "can do" attitude.  

Volume building companies in Australia tend to stick to flat blocks and box like construction in order to provide homes that are easy to build but not necessarily great to live in.

At Integrity New Homes Cairns, clients have access to the design flair of an architect but with the systems, service and price benefits of a volume builder. This design and construction edge has allowed the company to diversify into other markets such as renovations, commercial, units, townhouses and medium density.


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